Would you like to write for How to Make iPhone Apps?

Matthew Campbell, October 11, 2012

Have you ever thought of having your work in front of the eyes of thousands of fellow developers? Are you a blogger, publisher or tech writer who wants to reach a bigger audience?

If so, maybe we can work something out. I’m looking at getting some fresh perspective and content unto How to Make iPhone Apps. Not sales pitches or blowhard ego pieces, but great content that will really help readers who want to start developing iOS or Mac software.


  • 500 to 3000 words
  • We must be able to follow your post and recreate the code in Xcode ourselves (basically, we’ll double check you)
  • Content should be “actionable” and something a novice to intermediate developer can follow
  • What Can I Offer You?

    I can offer a platform (you can become a regular writer here depending on the responses we get to your work). Also, you’ll get a bio and two links back to your own blog, Twitter, Facebook or app.net presence (I reserve the right to block any spam or obvious sales pitch sites however).

    If this sounds good to you email me at matt@mobileappmastery.com. If you have any comments or questions feel free to email me or comment below. What do you think?