Next iOS Code Camp Scheduled For May 7th

Matthew Campbell, April 4, 2012

iOS Code Camp Landing Page

What are you doing in May? I hope you said, “Crushing It With iPhone Apps!”. That’s what I’ll be doing and helping 15 of my readers do the same at iOS Code Camp.

In the last iOS Code Camp I expanded the training program to six weeks covering about 60 hours worth of content and it’s proving to be the a great fit. This next time around, I’m retooling the entire program from the ground up. But, you still get access to the original program so now you will get twice the content!

What Do You Get With iOS Code Camp Again?

The purpose of iOS Code Camp is to get you up to speed as a mobile app developer as quickly as possible. Keeping this in mind, I provide you with:

  • High level conceptual content so you understand what’s going on
  • Practical hands-on source code labs so you can implement things on your own
  • Daily technical and coaching support provided by me so you don’t get stuck for long, I’ll even debug your lab code on camera
  • Weekly group coaching calls where we can have discussions about the topics your working on and get more insider details
  • Graduates of iOS Code Camp Get a Super Bonus!

    FYI: after you finish the program, you continue to have access to the content itself, all future content programs created for Mobile App Mastery Institute and you get to use the iMAM social network.

    Sounds Good Right?

    To learn more about iOS Code Camp click here: iOS Code Camp.

    BTW: There are only 15, 13 spots available total for each iOS Code Camp as of today.