Add Twitter Support To Your iPhone App In 5 Steps

Matthew Campbell, January 8, 2012

Do you know how easy it is to give your users Twitter support in your app. This works like the email function in iOS apps – you will be able to present your user with a model view that is pre-populated with content that will become a tweet that will appear in your user’s timeline.

This is what you need to do to add Twitter support to your iOS app:

  • Add Twitter framework
  • Import Twitter.h
  • Instantiate TWTweetComposeViewController
  • Set initial text, images and URLs
  • Present TWTweetComposeViewController in a model view controller

Here is an IBAction that I coded that implements this Twitter functionality.

-(IBAction)tweetTweet:(id)sender {
    NSLog(@"%i", [TWTweetComposeViewController canSendTweet]);
    TWTweetComposeViewController *tweeter = [[TWTweetComposeViewController alloc] init];
    [tweeter setInitialText:self.myTextField.text];
    [self presentModalViewController:tweeter animated:YES];

Cool huh? What do you think?