Chapters 10, 11 and 12 Added To Beginning Objective-C Programming

Matthew Campbell, December 22, 2011

Over the past month I’ve published twelve chapters in my eBook here, at no cost too you. This ebook, Beginning Objective-C is something that you can use to learn programming and start with iOS app development. What I want with this free eBook is to have a place for new iOS app developers to learn programming from the ground up. I’ve made great progress so far and just recently released the first in the advanced Objective-C chapters: Extending Classes With Categories.

What’s In This Objective-C Programming Book?

The first section of this eBook has all the essential elements of programming that you need to learn before really moving on as an iOS developer.  This is what you to look at if you never programmed before or if you have no idea how Objective-C works as a programming language.  Here are the chapter topics:

Chapter One: Introduction to Programming

Chapter Two: If Statements

Chapter Three: Switch Statements

Chapter Four: Loops

Chapter Five: Functions

Chapter Six: Object-Oriented Programming

Chapter Seven: Introduction to Foundation and UIKit

Chapter Eight: Essential Foundation Classes

Chapter Nine: How To Create Your Own Classes

Chapter 10: Extending Classes with Categories

Chapter 11: Protocols In Objective-C

Chapter 12: Key-Value Coding (KVC)

Are there any missing chapters that you would like to see added?