Beginning Objective-C Programming

Matthew Campbell, October 25, 2011

A little over ten years ago, I had just started learning object-oriented programming after spending a few years as a mental health counselor (yes, really!). What I had initially thought would be a dry and technical topic based on my days at the university turned out to be the key to an intriguing hidden world of codes and virtual universes.

Programming is the key to an intriguing hidden world of codes and virtual universes

What was really cool was that since computers had become so powerful and could be found everywhere in our world, programmers had suddenly become creators.  Learning object-oriented programming quickly opened up my career while I was working at my 9-5 in ways a psychology major would never expect.

Programming also served as my escape route once I decided to leave my 9-5 job and start my own company.  All these things are why I want to share this exciting world of programming with you in this book, Beginning Objective-C Programming.

What is Beginning Objective-C Programming?

Beginning Objective-C Programming is my new book that I’m self-publishing first on the How to Make iPhone Apps blog.  At some point you will see this in bookstores, but the first edition will appear here first.  In fact, as I’m writing this I’ve already published the first four chapters.  If you click on the Beginning Objective-C topics link you will find everything about this book that I’ve already published.  Soon, you will find a navigation link at the top to make it easier for you to navigate through this book.

The focus of  Beginning Objective-C Programmingis to teach basic programming in the simplest way possible.  Furthermore, this book is geared toward people who want to eventually make iOS and Mac apps and so starts from the beginning teaching you using XCode 4.2 and iOS 5 which are the latest technologies available.

My hope is that this book will be the first place you will look when you are ready to learn the programming skills you will need to master the iOS SDK so you can make your own app down the road.

Table Of Contents

Chapter One: Introduction to Programming
Chapter Two: If Statements
Chapter Three: Switch Statements
Chapter Four: Loops
Chapter Five: Functions
Chapter Six: Object-Oriented Programming
Chapter Seven: Introduction to Foundation and UIKit
Chapter Eight: Essential Foundation Classes
Chapter Nine: How To Create Your Own Classes
Chapter Ten: Extending Classes with Categories
Chapter Eleven: Protocols in Objective-C
Chapter Twelve: Key-Value Coding