This past week I made some tweaks to this website. You may notice some new visual effects and more organized content. Nothing major but I did want to highlight some of the directions that I have been taking on this website. Here is the low-down
Many people have mentioned that it is ironic that I some of my screen casts are in Flash. They are right, streaming video is a vexing problem and Flash works great for everything (but not of course the iPhone). I have started experimenting with new ways to stream video that you can use from the iPad, iPhone as well as your Mac.
For an example, check out the new Hello World Tutorial that I create last week. This is a work in progress but I know to have a process in place soon and eventually get all my video up to this new spec. My feeling is that with the iPad now we can do some serious content distribution using iPhone OS.
At some point in the future I will be discussing the technical details behind this new procedure I am following.
Some of you may know that I have started doing live events like iPhone Boot Camp recently. Now I am putting dates where I will be doing these training in this tab for people who are interested. I will also be adding conferences or any other events where Mobile App Mastery will have a presence.
Tutorials are something I have wanted to add to the site for a while. They have always been here but never featured in a prominent way.
Most of the other changes simply are adding some visual flair: I updated the CSS and change the header a bit as you can see. What do you think?
Oh Yeah, Here Are the iPhone Programming Tutorials:
Hello World iPhone App With UIActionSheet Tutorial
[...] iPad tutorial on Split Screen [...]
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