WWDC Keynote Thoughts

Matthew Campbell, June 9th, 2009

Well, as jealous as I am about missing WWDC this year I do have some thoughts on the things that are coming up for the iPhone and Mac.

First off – this was not rocket science but my two top predictions did come true. Good thing I had the crystal ball! New iPhone and new MacBook Pro! I like the idea of a new MacBook Pro – a small 13 inch screen but with a little more juice would suit me just fine.

I just the cheapest MacBook (the white plastic one) because I like the size and price. But, it does seize up at times. Still, I debate an Air vs the new Pro.

New iPhone!

The thing that makes we drool about the new iPhone is the tethering. I know that jailbroken phones have had this now for years, but I don’t want to jailbreak my phone. Of course, as far as I know AT&T customers cannot get that feature… Uggg.

The better camera and video capture feature are promising as well. I almost bought a flip cam earlier this year for video podcasting but having it on my phone will be much better and cheaper. Especially since I need a new development iPhone…

Snow Leopard

I admit that my eyes glazed over at this point in the presentation. My favorite part of using OSX is that I don’t have to think about the nitty gritty details of using it.

iPhone OS 3.0

This is probably the most important thing to iPhone developers and I will be blogging about the details of the new features this summer. One significant thing for business is the new payment options. You can now charge subscriptions for your paid apps. This is great if you have an idea that works like a magazine subscription (customers pay every month for new content). Game developers can sell in game items or new adventures when customers are ready for them. This could breathe new life into people with $.99 apps that want to be able to continue to update them.

What are your thoughts about the keynote?

What part of the keynote did you find most interesting and why? Please comment below!